Tango Argentino - Workshops and Retreats 

with Brigitta Winkler
Berlin - Mexico - Italy

Tango Argentino

Workshops 2025

Maui, Hawaii

March,16th and 17th, 2025

Workshop in Paia



organized by Cassie Chow


Puerto Vallarta, Mexico

 Tango Retreat

All Women

23.Feb - 2. March, 2025,


What you'll get:

-7-Day Workshop with 40 hours of program

-somatic morning sessions with integration into Tango

-afternoon Tango class

-evening Milongas

-space to practice on your own

-7 Nights at the all-inclusive resort "Krystal Grand Puerto Vallarta". This includes:


-ALL meals

-ALL alcoholic beverages

-access to both the resort and Hacienda section of the resort

Frauen Führen und BMC im April in Berlin

  7. - 13. April 2025

mit Brigitta Winkler und

Ines Moussavi

Während der letzten beiden Ladiesweeks im August haben Brigitta und ich einen Kurs Frauen Führen angeboten.

Führen lernen aus der Sicht von erfahrenen

Folgenden- das war sehr spannend.

"A skirt full of tango, the whole picture ...


zwei Kurse:.

Kurs A für alle die ins Führen einsteigen möchten.

Kurs B für alle die schon länger beide Rollen tanzen.


Denver, Co, USA

Early-Early Arrival Events - May 17 & 18
Brigitta Winkler Weekend & Milongas in Boulder

Sat Afternoon, May 17: Workshops - Avalon Boulder Tango Studio

Sat Evening, May 17 Milonga - Avalon Boulder Tango Studio

Sun Afternoon, May 18: Workshops - Avalon Boulder Tango Studio

Sun Evening, May 18: "Loco Tango Milonga with live Orchestra Tangozo" - Avalon Ballroom

Denver Close Encounters and Brigitta Winkler Boulder Workshop Web pages:


Rogaia Tango

Umbria, Italy

La Rogaia, Workshop,

20.- 27. September 2025


Proitzer Mühle, Berlin

11-13. Juli 2025

Brigitta und Ines Moussavi

Double Role und Somatic




August, 9.-13., 2025


Tango Agentino Workshops and Retreats

youtube/Tangoperformances with Brigitta (Selection)

Tell me about Brigitta, 2019

Soundcloud- Interview with Brigitta, 2019

Brigitta and Tomas, Montreal

Brigitta and Jay Abling, Hawaii Tangofestival, 2014

Brigitta and Rebecca, New York, Dance Sport, 2012

Brigitta and Xavier, New York Milonga, Dec, 17, 2011

Brigitta and Hernan, New York, 2011

TangoBody, Maui, 2011

Felipe and Brigitta, San Francisco, 2011

Brigitta and Tomas, Montreal, November 2010

Brigitta and Jay Abling, San Diego 2010

Brigitta and George Garcia, SF, 2010

leading ladies, San Francisco

Brigitta und Tomas Howlin, Montreal, 2009

Brigitta und Jason, North Carolina, 2009

Brigitta und Adam, 18.Dec., New York 2009

Brigitta and Adam, Berlin 2009

Brigitta und Javier, phantastango, 2009

Brigitta und Tomas, Portland 2006

Brigitta und Tomas, Heartland, 2006

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